What You Need To Know About MWBS
Ages 19+: $370
Ages 13-18: $290
Ages 9-12: $260
Ages 3-8: $220
Under 3: Free
Register Early
Capacity is limited to 350 people, as well as rooms with special access, so get in quickly. Also, early registration helps the planning of the Bible school.
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot stay all week, please notify: Michael Livermore 248.462.5740 mike.live@gmail.com
If you must cancel your registration, please inform Bro. Mike immediately. Cancellations must be received by May 1st for a refund. For any last minute cancellations, please call or e-mail Bro. Mike on or before Thursday, July 10th, 2025.
Check-in Saturday
Check-in will begin in the James University Lobby at 2:00 p.m. and close at 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, 07/12/2025 2:00pm. If you will not arrive in that time frame, please contact Mike Livermore to arrange a separate check-in time.
What to Bring (And What Not to Bring):
Please bring your own Bible, Hymn Book, notebooks, etc. We must provide all of our own bedding (sheets, blankets, towels and pillows). Bring your own sports equipment such as tennis, softball, and ice skating or hockey gear. You may bring musical instruments, but please only use them for spiritual music or for part of a class or program. Please do not bring any device or technology to the school for the purpose of entertainment outside of the context of a spiritual and God-centered week.
Housing and Amenities:
Trine University offers air-condition suites. We have one dorm with individual bedrooms that have two-single beds and a bathroom. Our other dorms have suites that include two or three bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room. Laundry facilities are free and available in all residential buildings. Each building has a lobby with social areas. For our rooms, we will be assigned interior door keys at check-in from Trine staff. For our safety, residential building external doors will be locked overnight at midnight and unlocked in the early morning. Children are welcome to bring outdoor toys such as scooters, rip-sticks, etc. We ask parents to monitor their children for their safety and please do not leave outdoor toys in doorways and staircases.
Housing Questions?
Laundry facilities are free and available in each dorm.
General Information:
The James University Center houses the cafeteria, a bookstore, and computer labs. Also available to the Bible School are the Ketner Sports Center and the Best Hall of Science where classes will be located. View Trine Campus Map
Trine Campus Safety
In case of emergency, Trine Campus Safety may be reached at 260.316.1877
Volunteers Needed
The Midwest Bible School needs volunteers in order to provide a spiritually uplifting week for everyone. There is a wide range of areas in which to help. If you can, please support the school by volunteering when you register.
Memorial Service Statement
During both of the school’s Memorial services, this announcement will be read: “This Memorial service is conducted on the basis of the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith. All who fellowship only on this basis are welcome to partake of the emblems.”
Policies and Dress Code
We ask for your cooperation in observing these necessary policies.
1. We are to conduct ourselves in a manner reflecting disciples of Christ.
2. Everyone using the school facilities, full or part-time, must register.
3. No special meetings on controversial topics are to be held without the consent of the committee.
4. Smoking is not permitted at Trine University. Also forbidden are drugs, alcohol, incense, vaping, and fireworks.
5. Unmarried students of the opposite sex may visit each other in lounges and other common areas but are not allowed to visit in each other’s rooms. However, teens are not permitted in any part of the dorms of the opposite sex.
6. Please keep your room clean and neat. We are not allowed to fasten anything to the walls, move furniture from one room to another or change any rooms. No outside sports equipment (skates, scooters, balls, roller blades, etc) may be used inside any building on the Trine campus. We are financially responsible for any damages in the buildings.
7. Please do not play mobile devices at the school.
8. If necessary to leave school grounds, students participating in the teen program must obtain parent or guardians’ permission, as well as the Youth Director’s permission. Please observe all posted traffic regulations.
9. All buildings will be locked at midnight, so you must be inside your residential building before that time.
10. Students are expected to attend Devotions each morning and all class sessions during the week. The Committee reserves the right to ask students who refuse to conduct themselves according to the rules of the school in a Christlike spirit to leave the school.
11. Parents with children 11 years old or younger will be expected to help with appropriate children’s activities.
12. Parents and guardians of young children using scooters, small bikes, rip-sticks, etc are requested to monitor their children for their safety and the safety of others. Please beware of excessive speeds and do not allow your children to store or rest their gear in doorways, entryways or staircases.
Dress Code
For all ages at all times, our dress is to be modest, clean, appropriate and non-offensive. Parents and guardians, please check that the clothes your children plan to bring to the school are appropriate.
Classes: Students that have completed Grade 6 and up are not permitted to wear shorts to classes.
Memorial Service: Sisters and young ladies are requested to wear dresses or skirts and blouses. Sisters are also requested to wear head coverings. Brothers and young men are requested to wear suits or dress slacks and collared shirts.
Swimwear: Swimsuits (for males and females) are to be modest (no bikinis or abbreviated suits) and are to be worn only for swimming.